Counter Balance Conditioning and Fitness Annual Christmas Run

Posted December 12, 2019

Pictures of today’s event are now posted on the club’s Facebook page and on “” under Photos.

The Counter Balance Conditioning and Fitness Annual Christmas Run will be held Sunday, December 15 starting at 2:00 PM. Participants are asked to meet at the Counter Balance Conditioning and Fitness Gym in the Valley Mall.

Please wear your Santa Claus hat and join in the holiday fun. This will be an untimed, four kilometre fun run. Treats will be provided at Counterbalance after the run.

The route will be as follows: After starting at Counterbalance participants will proceed to Main Street then taking a right on to West Street. At the top of West Street participants will cross over Park Street to Cobb Lane. Participants will then proceed up up Cobb Lane and exit on to lower Elswick Road and then take a right on to O’Connell Drive up to Mt. Bernard Avenue. Once on Mt. Bernard Avenue participants will proceed down it to the Counter Balance gym.