- Maple Valley Flooring 5 km Spring Opener
- Arthur James 8 km Sun Run
- National Shoe 5 km / 10 km Trail Run
- BMO 5 Km Downtown Dash
- Veitch Physio 5 km Here for Beer
- Brothers & Associates Fall Classic
- Maple Valley Flooring 5 km Spring Opener
- Arthur James 8 km Sun Run
- National Shoe 5 km / 10 km Trail Run
- BMO 5 Km Downtown Dash
- Veitch Physio 5 km Here for Beer
- Brothers & Associates Fall Classic
- Brothers & Associates Fall Classic
- Veitch Wellness Here for Beer
- BMO Downtown Dash
- National Shoe Trail Run
- Arthur James Sun Run
- CBRC Spring Opener 5K
- Brothers & Associates Half Marathon, 10K and 5K
- Veitch Physio Here for Beer Run
- National Shoe Virtual Trail Run
- Arthur James Virtual Sun Run
- CBRC Virtual Spring Opener
- Physical Rehab Spring Opener
- Arthur James Sun Run
- National Shoe Trail Run
- BMO Downtown Dash
- Veitch Physiotherapy Here For The Beer
- Fall Classic 2019
- Physical Rehab Spring Opener
- Arthur James Sun Run
- National Shoe Trail Run
- BMO Financial Downtown Dash
- Veitch Fall 15
- Brothers & Associates Fall Classic
- BMO Financial Downtown Dash
- National Shoe Trail Run
- Arthur James Sun Run
- Physical Rehab Spring Opener
- Veitch Physiotherapy Fall 15
- Brothers & Associates Humber Valley Marathon
- Physical Rehab Spring Opener
- Arthur James Sun Run
- National Shoe Trail Run
- BMO Downtown Dash (Corporate Challenge results)
- Veitch Physiotherapy Fall 15
- Brothers & Associates Humber Valley Marathon
- Arthur James Sun Run
- Physical Rehab Spring Opener
- National Shoe Trail Run
- BMO Financial Downtown Dash
- Veitch Physio 15km
- Brothers & Associates Humber Valley Marathon
- Physical Rehab Spring Opener
- Arthur James Sun Run
- National Shoe Trail Run
- BMO Downtown Dash
- Veitch Physiotherapy Fall 15K
- Brothers and Associates Humber Valley Marathon
- Take the Plunge Spring Opener
- Arthur James Sun Run
- National Shoe Trail Run
- BMO Downtown Dash
- Star Fall 15
- Coleman’s Half-Marathon
- Take the Plunge Spring Opener
- Arthur James 8K Sun Run
- National Shoe Trail Ten
- BMO Downtown Dash
- Star Fall 15
- Coleman’s Half-Marathon
- Take the Plunge Spring Opener
- Arthur James Sun Run
- National Shoe Trail Ten
- BMO Downtown Dash 5K
- The Furnace Man 15K
- Coleman’s Half-Marathon
- Take the Plunge Spring Opener
- Arthur James Sun Run
- BMO Downtown Dash
- National Shoe Trail Ten
- The Furnace Man 15K
- Coleman’s Half-Marathon
Results for previous years can be found here.